Search + Rescue Daytime Outreach

Since 2016, the UGM Search + Rescue “Love Van” has gone out five nights a week to homeless camps within the Portland Metro area to deliver food, drinks, essential items and hope to our homeless neighbors. One of the main goals of S+R is to establish trust that will enable us to guide and mentor people experiencing homelessness to resources or services that can get them into housing or recovery.

When delivering services in the evening, the people we serve will sometimes ask for assistance. At that time, the S+R leader will fill out a “goal sheet” with the person requesting help. These requests include medical assistance, assistance with benefits, replacing lost identification, or help to get out of addiction. The next day the collected goal sheets are sent to Kim, our S+R Outreach Coordinator. Kim and Austin will call or meet with the person and assist them in developing a plan to get the resources they need.

Last year we saw 57 people transition out of homelessness through the help of our outreach team. Another 300 people received non-housing services.


One night before Christmas, Austin received a call from a man in Troutdale that was on the verge of losing his room at a hotel because of a lack of funds. With his savings exhausted, the man, with his wife and very young daughters, were looking at spending Christmas on the street or in a shelter. S+R outreach paid for two more nights in the hotel for the young family. This gave Kim and Austin time to meet with them to develop a plan to get them back on their feet and into safe housing.

“On daytime outreach, we focus on coming alongside people to provide the individualized support they need,” said Kim. “The first thing we want to communicate to people is, ‘We see you, and we care about what you are going through.’” We want them to know that they are the one the Good Shepherd is going after. The factors that contribute to homelessness are complex, and there are no 1-2-3 step solutions. Helping people transition out of homelessness and addiction requires long-term commitment and trusting relationships.” 

If you know of someone experiencing homelessness and they are interested in a LifeChange, contact our Outreach Coordinator at or 503-274-4483.


UGM's Church of Nazarene Winter Shelter


Austin’s story: I hope they see Jesus in my eyes