LifeChange for Women and Children

Union Gospel Mission’s LifeChange for Women and Children provides a safe, healing home for single women and women with children to transform their lives.

If you are struggling with abuse, addiction, or homelessness, we can help.

LifeChange is a safe environment to heal from past traumas and to learn how to break free of destructive choices.

LifeChange is an intentional Christian community where people help and support each other to break cycles of addiction, abuse and homelessness and live a transformed and abundant life in Jesus.

Getting started

Are you ready for change? Read about what LifeChange offers in detail below.

Basic Services

During the first three months, the basic needs of the women are met as they establish their goals and receive referrals for assessments, medical help, counseling, legal issues, and applications for housing, etc. Women who struggle with addiction can begin to deal with the issues that caused them to become homeless. Other guests may address anger and/or domestic violence issues and/or sharpen their parenting and financial skills. All guests attend two or three bible studies a week.

Extended Program

Our 12-month program is built on the foundation of the Basic Services portion and is designed to help women dig deep and break free from addictive and self-destructive patterns. Each program is centered on the bible and can be tailored to a woman’s specific needs. We believe that a long-term approach to recovery is important because most self-destructive patterns have taken a lifetime to learn and cannot be resolved within a few short months.

Programs Include

Bible Study — Women learn the truth about God, themselves, and others through daily exposure to God’s word.

Case Management — Women receive support and accountability as they connect with community resources and set goals. Case Managers walk alongside each woman making sure all pieces of their program work together for long-term health. Women work on budgets, credit repair, and discipleship. The plan is individualized according to the needs of each woman and/or family.

Child Care — We provide safe, on-site child care so women can fully participate in all components of the recovery program.

Classes — Classes include boundaries, chemical dependency support, Genesis (addiction recovery), healthy patterns, parenting, and more. Some classes are for moms and their children.

Counseling — Women receive one-on-one mental health counseling to help them work through the complex issues related to addiction and/or abuse. Children can also participate in individual and/or family counseling.

Daily Routine — Women learn how to create and maintain their daily schedules through planning and time management. They are accountable to set and follow through on appointments, classes, and work.

Education — Women will have opportunities to improve their computer and office skills in the Learning Education Center. They will learn to build a resume and refine their job search skills. If they do not have their high school diploma they will have the opportunity to get their GED.

Work Therapy — Work therapy provides valuable job skills training allowing women to prepare for a career after they complete LifeChange.

Post-graduation — We offer program graduates support while they transition back into the community by taking care of their basic needs while they are job training and searching for employment and housing. We also offer internship opportunities at the Mission.

Contact Us to get started today

To learn more about becoming part of LifeChange contact us using the form below. You can also contact our office at 503-802-2271 or the Intake Coordinator at 971-476-6682.

Want to help? 

Items we currently need most:

  • Baby wipes

  • Disposable razors (for women)

  • Women’s deodorant

  • Nail polish remover (w/no alcohol)

  • Hairspray

  • Face wash

  • Body wash

  • Q-Tips/cotton balls

  • Super tampons

  • Liquid Laundry Pods

  • Diapers (especially sizes 3 to 5)

  • Sunscreen products

  • New women’s clothing (spring/summer & larger sizes)

  • Women’s hoodies

  • Legos - new and used sets

  • Toys/activities for older children/teenagers

  • Water toys (no kiddie pools)

  • Outdoor sports equipment

  • Pencil pouches

If you would like to donate any of these items please contact us using the button below.