Austin’s story: I hope they see Jesus in my eyes

Experimenting with alcohol and drugs in college is considered normal, but in Austin’s case, it turned into tragedy. “I was using for six to eight years off and on, and during that time I hurt a lot of people,” says Austin. “I got tired of hurting myself and other people, I knew it was time for a change.”

“I burnt so many bridges that I found myself homeless in the dead of winter with nowhere to go,” explains Austin. “I got so cold that I would collapse in the streets throwing up, and that’s where God spoke to me.” From there Austin came to the Union Gospel Mission in Portland.

“The LifeChange program is intense, but the hardest thing for me was sitting alone with myself,” says Austin. “But then through Jesus, I found hope, and now today I can breathe again.” Austin recently graduated from UGM’s LifeChange program and for the first time in years he is looking forward to the future. Austin is planning on going back to school, helping people is his newfound passion.

Austin is cautiously optimistic about reconnecting with his family. “I’ve burnt so many bridges, I want them to see that I’ve really changed,” smiles Austin. “I hope they see Jesus in my eyes.”

While in the LifeChange program Austin was very involved in the UGM Search + Rescue outreach. “Working with Search + Rescue I learned to see past people’s addictions and afflictions and love them for who they are,” says Austin. “I learned to really listen to people, more than anything people on the streets want someone to listen to them.”

Search + Rescue goes out five nights a week and visits homeless camps to bring them vital services they don’t have easy access to. One of the primary goals of Search + Rescue is to build trust so they can open the door to get people off the streets and into an abundant life.


When Austin first met Suzie and Pops out on Search + Rescue they were sleeping under a tarp in the rain on streets of Portland. With the guidance of our outreach team and partner organizations, Suzie and Pops are now in a hotel and will soon be moving into permanent housing. “It breaks my heart to see so many elderly people on the streets,” says Austin, “but, it’s so amazing when you can help people better their circumstances.”

“I want to honestly say thank you to the people that donate. Without you I wouldn’t have had the ability to find a relationship with Christ again…I think it’s important to say thank you.”

UGM’s LifeChange is a Christ-centered recovery program where residents live and work in a community of people committed to transforming their lives and breaking the grip of addiction. LifeChange consists of counseling, work therapy, discipleship and transitional aftercare, at no cost to the resident.

If you know of someone battling addiction or homelessness and they have had enough and are interested in a LifeChange, then contact our Intake Coordinator at or 503-274-4483.


Search + Rescue Daytime Outreach


Union Gospel Mission delivering Christmas cheer to our neighbors in need.