Operation Overcoat 2021

2020 was a year of flexibility and creativity for us all. With restrictions in place due to the pandemic, UGM had to reimagine Operation Overcoat. Instead of one large downtown event, UGM partnered with several local churches to distribute food and clothing to our neighbors in need. 

The UGM staff and LifeChange residents were overwhelmed by the generosity of our community. Thanks to your financial donations, volunteer efforts and gifts of coats, hats, scarves, and so many other needed items, we were able to distribute over 600 backpacks throughout Portland as part of our 2020 Operation Overcoat. 

This year we are going to continue our effort with local churches and expand the reach of Operation Overcoat throughout the metro area. 

Only 25% of Portland’s homeless population lives downtown. 

As you travel throughout the metro area it’s hard not to notice the impact the last year has had on our homeless neighbors. With UGM’s Search + Rescue team and even more church partners, we can reach more people in need that might not have easy access to services.

Starting the last Saturday in September, UGM, along with our partners, will be hosting several mini events that will deliver backpacks with shoes, coats, pants, and other vital supplies to help our neighbors in need navigate the winter weather. Through this effort we are anticipating reaching over 200 more people than last year. We’ve increased our goal from 600 in 2020 to over 800 in 2021. 

Please partner with us to spread the love of Jesus and make this our best Operation Overcoat ever!


Ways You Can Help

1.    Organize a donation drive at your church, workplace, or school. Our most needed items include pants, new undergarments, sleeping bags, boots, and coats. Drop your items off at Union Gospel Mission at 3 NW Third Avenue by August 27th.

2.    Support Operation Overcoat financially. It costs about $23.53 to serve each person through Operation Overcoat. Consider a special financial gift for Operation Overcoat. You can give online at ugmportland.org.

3.    Your church or organization can help distribute backpacks. If you think your church or organization would be interested in partnering with UGM in distributing food and backpacks to the homeless community in your area, please contact our volunteer department at bernadetteg@ugmportland.org or call 503.274.4483

4.    Please pray. Join us in praying for reaching the unreachable and sharing the love of Christ with the brokenhearted in our city.


An Important Operation Overcoat Update from UGM Executive Director Jason Christensen


UGM’s Shower on Wheels