Help Moms and Kids From Your Computer Keyboard


We currently have some moms in our program with babies and toddlers, and we need diapers, bibs, blankets and toddler underwear. Our facility was built in 1938 and does not have air conditioning. The summer preview last week with 90 degree temperatures, revealed that we needed some oscillating fans to keep the ladies and the kids comfortable!

There is a very easy way you can help meet these needs right from your computer keyboard. Visit Union Gospel Mission's Amazon Wish List. From the list you can select the need you wish to fulfill, you can buy diapers, or an oscillating fan. The item will ship directly to Union Gospel Mission. If you would like a donation receipt from Union Gospel Mission, please include your name and address on the gift note.

CLICK HERE to check out the list! Thank you for your help!


Tune in to Make it a Summer of Hope!


New Women and Children's Center: Six Months of Success