Union Gospel Mission Portland

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Caught in the Act of Caring

When Union Gospel Mission had a vision to expand and build a program to help women and children, we envisioned a place of healing, safety and relationship. Currently, we have 18 women and 14 children at the LifeChange Center for Women and their Children in Beaverton. In their morning meetings, the women share written notes of encouragement called "Caught In The Act!"  These notes allow women to share with staff, and to share with each other, moments of encouragement and care.  We are sharing a few excerpts of these notes.

From a resident to a staff member: "...You gave me love and advice to get me headed in the right direction. Never for a minute did I feel rejected or 'less than' even as you pointed our some 'hard to hear' stuff. You are amazing and I love you"

From a resident to another resident: "...thank you for putting in the effort to research recovery meetings online. You are thoughtful. Maybe we can go to one together someday"

From a child resident to another adult resident: "...you have become someone special in our lives. My brothers and I are thankful that God has let us meet you and for the love you have given us..."

Thank YOU to our donors, volunteers and supporters for helping to create this place where women and children can leave the past of abuse, homelessness and addiction for a brighter future with love and fellowship. CLICK HERE  to learn more about LifeChange for Women and Their Children.