Stylish back to school clothes at Union Gospel Mission's thrift store


Looking for brand-name jeans, shirts, and jackets for back to school? Add Union Gospel Mission's thrift store to your school shopping destinations.

"I found really cute jeans that normally sell for $80 to $100 for $4 or $5 at the thrift store," said Allison, a teen shopper at Union Gospel Mission's thrift store.

Not only will you find great bargains on brand name clothing, all they money you spend will go to help residents in Union Gospel Mission's LifeChange addiction recovery community.

The thrift store is located at 11611 SW Pacific Hwy in Tigard, open Tue-Sat 10:00 am - 5:30 pm. Call the thrift store a 503-639-6488.


Sell or shop at the Simplify Sale on August 27


Operation Overcoat 2011!