Union Gospel Mission Portland

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Hope Tote: Provide Essential Hygiene Items to the Homeless

What is a “Hope Tote”? It’s a little purple bag of everyday essentials we all use; Soap, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, handi-wipes, and lotion. We may not think too much about these simple items in our daily routine, but for someone trying to survive on the street, the items in a Hope Tote can provide comfort and dignity. Union Gospel Mission plans to distribute hundreds of Hope Tote kits on Easter Sunday, but we need your help!

We are looking for individuals, churches, youth groups, businesses and others willing to collect hygiene items and assemble Hope Totes.  We can send you a list of needed items and special purple Hope Tote bags.

To request your Hope Tote fulfillment kits, please e-mail Stacy at stacyk@ugmportland.org.

You can learn more about Hope Totes by viewing this video from last year’s Hope Tote collection day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21ac2NTI5KM