A Blessing in Disguise
In the beginning of the pandemic, UGM’s LifeChange for Women and Their Children had a unique challenge. How do you do distance learning for 10 kids without disrupting the classes and counseling for the women in recovery? Our church partners and volunteers rose to the challenge.
In the morning, the WLC kids would get ready for the day as they did before the pandemic. After breakfast they would load into the UGM van and go to Westside Community Church. Once at the church the kids would go to a dedicated room where volunteers and staff would meet them. With additional volunteers, there was an average of one adult to every three kids. The ratio of kids to adult helpers not only gave the kids lots of one-on-one time for their schoolwork, but it also gave them opportunities to work on emotional and social challenges with someone who cares and has time to listen.
It wasn’t all work, during breaks and open periods the kids played games and learned new crafts like knitting. “It was a special time with the kids,” said Megan, UGM’s Children’s Ministry Coordinator. “It really was a blessing in disguise.”
As a result, in the 2020/2021 school year, the WLC kids made a 15 to 20% improvement in cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and social milestones, as measured by the WLC children’s ministry. Because of our church partners and volunteers, God took a potentially bad circumstance and used it for the good of our most vulnerable residents.
Are you looking for ways to share the gifts God gave you? If so, please call 503-274-4483 or visit us online at ugmportland.org/volunteer to get involved.
“ “It was a special time with the kids, It really was a blessing in disguise.””