UGM Women's LifeChange Offers New Services

The Learning Education Center sets aside space for women to learn about their abilities, interests and strengths. The safe environment allows women to assess themselves honestly without shame enabling them to set and meet goals advancing them toward their futures. The curriculum includes basic and advanced computer classes; GED prep and testing support; and ILS Nova – a comprehensive self-led teaching software specifically developed for people coming out of abuse, addiction and homelessness. In addition, the After School Program provides a place for mothers to engage with their children academically Monday to Thursday with the assistance of experienced counselors, tutors and volunteers with Friday deemed as “Fun Friday.” Fun Friday gives children the opportunity to socialize with their peers through educational activities. The program gives the mother and children a time to strengthen their relationships while building life skills.

WATCH to learn more about the new services.

Ways to get involved with the Learning Education Center : Lab_2_V2

  • Math tutoring
  • Reading/Writing tutoring
  • ESL tutoring
  • Teaching for our advanced computer class (Excel, PowerPoint, Internet)
  • Job search mentoring


Ways to get involved with the After School Program:

  • Tutoring
  • Teach a group lesson
  • Mentor a mom or childCAC_2_V2


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