Help Preserve the Charitable Deduction and Help People in Need


A Message From Bill Russell, Union Gospel Mission's Executive Director

You may have already filed your taxes or you’re looking at the calendar realizing you should get on it pretty soon! Many of you who donate to Union Gospel Mission and other charitable organizations utilize your charitable giving as a deduction when you prepare your taxes to lower your tax bill.  Now that deduction is in jeopardy. Congress is considering eliminating, capping or limiting the charitable deduction provision in the tax code.

Eliminating or capping the charitable deduction is wrong on many levels.  First, if this policy goes into effect it will likely reduce the amount of charitable donations coming to Union Gospel Mission and other charities, forcing us and other organizations to cut back on vital services. Second, it gets rid of an effective, century- old incentive for people who have been blessed with means to care for their communities.   Third, as charities experience decline in donations and cut back services to the poor, the frayed and debt ridden safety net of the government will be under even more pressure to provide services to those most in need.

Government services cannot offer what Union Gospel Mission offers. Not only do we provide food and clothing to meet the physical needs of people, we also connect to the whole person. Helping a person to recover from addiction, get healing from past hurts and trauma and we minister to the person spiritually and share the good news of Jesus Christ. The government cannot do this and they should not do this!

Eliminating or capping the charitable deduction is bad policy for everyone. If you agree, here are three things you can do to stop it:

  • Contact your representative in Congress. Let them know you oppose eliminating or capping the charitable deduction
  • Tell your pastor, church community and other charities about this policy discussion.  Let them know that the charitable deduction is in danger
  • Share this information with your family, friends and neighbors and ask them to join you in contacting their congressional representatives.



Easter Celebration a Blessing for All!


Union Gospel Mission Night with the Trailblazers Dec. 29