There is HOPE in LifeChange


You might have a family member or friend who is struggling with addiction.  It may have become bad enough for the person to lose their job, their friends, their home.  If you know someone like this, let them know about Union Gospel Mission's LifeChange addiction recovery community. LifeChange is a Christ centered, long-term addiction recovery community that focuses on helping person break free of the chains of addiction.  Through work therapy, counseling, Bible studies, and community support many men and women are on the road to new, healthy and productive lives.

You can apply online here.  Or contact Dan Nelson by e-mail at or call 503-274-4483.

To learn more about the impact of LifeChange, check out this video:


Join us for Operation Overcoat Collection Day - September 22


Volunteers, blankets & coats needed for Operation Overcoat!