Our Impact
Generous hearts responding to God’s prompting make our work possible. Here's a look at some of the ways in which we have been able to effect change in our community.
Oct 2023 - Sept 2024 services
225,453 Meals!
Holiday food baskets distributed: 1,900
Showers provided: 1,472
Individuals who received service referrals: 371
Individuals served at our winter shelter: 613
Individuals UGM helped move off the streets: 201
Total Revenue & Support: $12,301,983
Programs: $5,384,778
Fundraising: $1,544,308
Administration: $338,055
Total Expenses: $7,267,140
Revenue & support reflects a $5,000,000 estate gift that was used toward the capital campaign.
Pie chart reflects expenses. Financial information reflects unaudited finances from October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024. Union Gospel Mission has independent audits conducted on an annual basis which are available on request.