Catching Up With Shanon

The next UGM newsletter (which may be in your mailbox) for December will feature LifeChange resident, Shanon. We caught up with him briefly in his busy day to see what he's been up to. Shanon processes mail at the computer.

Q: How has this December or fourth quarter been for you?

A: “Busy … working four full days – eight-hour days. I come in, I help process mail … and help process gifts – tons of gifts – that come in during the holidays.”


Q: Have you done anything fun as of late? What’s been a thing you been able to enjoy lately?

A: “I just did what I like to do. I bought some nice cologne, I went and seen three movies and went out to eat – pretty much everyday out of the week."


Q: What kind of events are you looking forward to this month?

A: “I’m excited about the Christmas event coming up … just help the homeless, feed the hungry, and help people that were in my situation before.”


Q: What’s planned for the Men’s LifeChange party?

A: “… we’re going to have a prime-rib dinner, and we’re going out on a boat on the Willamette (river), and go see Christmas lights (along the river).

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