Union Gospel Mission Portland

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Thanks to You! Your Support Made a Difference in July

thx banner Thank you for your support in July! Here is a summary of the impact your support made in the month of July:

30,023 Meals includes breakfast, lunch, sack lunches, chapel service dinner and LifeChange community meals.

938 Articles of clothing/sleeping bags/hygiene kits distributed from our day room for our homeless guests.

Your support provided a month of recovery, healing, work therapy, bible study and pastoral care for the 32 men in LifeChange for men at our downtown location.

Your support also provided safety, healing, hope, bible study and counseling for 18 women in LifeChange  and a safe, healing, and a summer of fun for 25 children at our LifeChange Center for Women and Their Children at our Beaverton location.

Thank you for demonstrating God's love for the homeless, hurting and addicted! [gap size="100px"] [share facebook="true" twitter="true" google_plus="true" linkedin="true" pinterest="true"]